The school has a set of policies covering all aspects of school life including the school’s approach to teaching and learning, parental partnership, equalities, the school curriculum and health and safety.
Some are school policies based on the individual practices at our school whilst others are Trust-wide policies applicable to all the schools within the Trust. Many of these policies are required by law.
Copies of our policies can be viewed here. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed or have any questions, please ask the school office.
Admission Policy for Bocking 2026-2027 (BPS002) (v2024-1-F).pdf
Admission Policy for Bocking 2025-2026.pdf
Admission Policy for Bocking 2024-2025.pdf
Attain Accessibility Plan 2022.pdf
Attain (BPS007) Anti-Bullying Policy 2025-1-A.pdf
Bocking Behaviour Policy 2024.pdf
Bocking Child Protection Policy for Schools 2024.pdf
Curriculum Policy 2021-22 .pdf
Attain (BPSS055) Drug Education Policy 2025-1-A.pdf
Attain Early Years Foundation Stage Policy 2022.pdf
Attain (BPS038) Educational Visits policy2024-1-A.pdf
Attain (BPS015) English as an Additional Language Policy 2025-1-A.pdf
Attain Extended Schools Policy 2022.pdf
First Aid Policy.pdf
Food Policy .pdf
Attain Freedom of Information Publication Scheme 2022.pdf
Attain Home Learning Policy 2022.pdf
Attain Home School Agreement 2023.pdf
Attain Lost Child and Missing Child Policy 2021.pdf
Attain Parent Engagement Policy 2022.pdf
ATTAIN pupil acceptable use policy 2024.pdf
Attain (BPS048) Relationship and Sex Education Policy 2025-1-A.pdf
Attain Safeguarding Policy 2024.pdf
Attain School Uniform Policy 2024.pdf
Attain Volunteers Policy 2021.pdf
Attain School Sports Fixtures Policy 2024.docx
Attain Academy Partnership Wide Policies
Please go to Attain Academy Partnership website for the following Trust wide policies, including policies on:
- Administration of Medicines and Management of Children's Illnesses
- Allergy and Anaphylaxis Management Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Call Recording Policy
- CCTV Code of Conduct Policy
- Charging and Remissions Policy
- Children with Health Needs who cannot attend School Policy
- Complaints Policy
- Confidentiality Policy
- Data Protection Policy
- Data Retention Policy
- Designated Teacher for Looked-After and Previously Looked-After Children Policy
- Drugs and Alcohol Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Equality Policy
- Exclusion Policy
- Harmful Sexual Behaviour Policy
- Health, Safety and Welfare Policy
- Induction Policy
- Infection Control Policy
- Lettings and Community Use of School Policy
- Management of Asbestos Policy
- Management of Legionella Policy
- Managing Violence in Academies Policy
- Online Safety Policy
- Physical Intervention Policy
- Parent Code of Conduct Policy
- Preventing Radicalisation & Extremism Policy
- Premises Policy
- Recruitment Policy
- Smoking at Work Policy
- Special Educational needs and Disability Policy
- Tapestry Policy
- Visitor Management Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy